Gailevičiūtė I. (2011). Kano model: how to satisfy customers? Global Academic Society Journal: Social Science Insight, Vol. 4, No. 12, pp. 14-25. ISSN 2029-0365. [] Download/print: *.pdf. Author: Ieva Gailevičiūtė, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Abstract This paper presents how service or product requirements can be analysed by using Kano model and discusses the potential benefits t
Gegeckaitė L. (2011). Factors of customer satisfaction on services. Global Academic Society Journal: Social Science Insight, Vol. 4, No. 12, pp. 4-13. ISSN 2029-0365. [] Download/print: *.pdf Author: Lina Gegeckaitė, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Abstract Today customer satisfaction is widely discussing and analyzing because all organizations want that their customers would be sati
Jham V. (2008). Customer adoption of multi channel usage: an empirical investigation of the banking industry. Global Academic Society Journal: Social Science Insight, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 38-47. ISSN 2029-0365. [] Print/download: pdf. Author: dr. Vimi Jham, Institute of Management Technology, India Abstract Banks in India have succeeded in promoting new services to its customers. The likelihood